PUBG: Update #18 on Xbox One is available on the test servers!

PUBG Corp. is working hard on the PC version of PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS, however the developers do not forget the Xbox One version, which sees a whole bunch of new things coming to the PTS. Update #18 is already available on the PTS. She will bring dynamic weather the new bullet penetration system and many other things, which you can discover below. As a reminder, the PTS is available for free in the Microsoft store under the name “PUBG Test Server”. 


PUBG: Update #18 on Xbox One is available on the test servers!

  • Bullet penetration system now applied to arms.
    • When a bullet hits the character's arm, it will penetrate it following its ballistic curve. The result will be different if the arm blocks a more vulnerable part of the body.
      • If the bullet penetrates the arm and hits a more vulnerable part of the body, then the highest damage will be applied. In other words, if a player's arm takes a bullet while blocking the head, then full headshot damage will be applied. This penetration system only works for the head, torso and pelvis.
      • If the bullet penetrates the arm and it does not block any other part of the body, only the arm damage will be applied.
    • Arm penetration is disabled for shotguns.
  • We have improved the interaction area so that a player can use the pilot spot of a motorbike more easily when it is free

  IU / UX  

  • The management of weapon modules by replacing objects has been improved.
    • Removed or replaced modules will now be left on the ground if your inventory is full.
    • When equipping a mod directly from the floor loot tab, the replaced mod will be left on the floor if your inventory is full.
    • When replacing an XXL magazine with a fast magazine, the XXL magazine and excess ammo will be left on the ground.
  • Colorblind settings have been improved.
    • The following colors are now modified relative to the selected color blindness option.
      • Scope and reticle colors
      • Supply Crate Smoke
      • Blood
    • Markers placed on the map are now numbered, color is no longer the only way to tell them apart.
  • Eliminated teammates can now place markers on the map.
  • The kill feed now displays personal kills.
  • In squads, when the last survivor is accidentally disconnected, all teammates will receive rewards until the moment of disconnection.
    • If the disconnected teammate manages to reconnect in the same game and gets a higher score, all teammates will receive the improved rewards.


  • Dynamic weather has been added to Erangel and Miramar.
    • Erangel: covered
    • Miramar: overcast, dusk
      • The “overcast” setting includes dynamic weather change, and includes rain, fog, etc. during a game.
  • Erangel received improvements.
    • Small hamlets of houses have been added to certain areas of Erangel.

PUBG: Update #18 on Xbox One is available on the test servers!

  • More tactical landscapes have been added near the river.

PUBG: Update #18 on Xbox One is available on the test servers!

  • Trees have been added to the open area encircling the Sosnovka military base.
  • Miramar received improvements.
    • More off-road paths have been added for better vehicle efficiency.
    • Some very steep road sections have been reduced to improve vehicle efficiency.


  • When spectating a player, their aiming movement is now better synchronized with the spectator's view.
    • For example, we improved situations where players appeared to be shooting far behind moving targets while on their screens they were shooting directly at those targets.


  • Vehicle smoke and flame effects have been optimized to improve framerate.
  • Server performance has been improved by adjusting the replication rate.
    • Previously, replication for all characters visible in line of sight was refreshed every frame. Now the replication rate differs depending on the player's distance.
    • We expect an improvement in server performance of around 15%.
  • Network code has been adjusted to slightly improve server performance.
  • Optimization of the processor thanks to the graphic rendering function.
  • Optimized GPU resources to reduce GPU load and improve performance.
  • Optimized weapon mod rendering resources to improve performance.
  • Fog optimization to improve performance.
    • 2 separate fog effects were previously used for the overall effect, they have been merged together to improve performance.
  • Optimized performance by reducing memory resources for grass.
  • Optimized the calculation of the physics of boats and vehicles moving on the beach.


  • The volume of the sound heard by a player inside a vehicle in FPP has been decreased.


  • The settings will now be saved in an online storage space: your settings will be saved even if there is a new patch.
  • Fixed an issue where destroying doors with grenades or Molotov cocktails would not display debris.
  • Fixed an issue where a frying pan and a gun could be held at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue where spectator mode in FPP was showing incorrect character locations.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to lean while in an emote animation.
  • Fixed an issue where two characters moving in a tight space could sometimes get stuck.
  • Fixed an issue where the player character would perform a jumping animation for a short time when the crouch key was quickly pressed multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue where reticle settings would reset when the weapon was dropped and then picked up again.
  • Fixed an issue where the spectator camera would look through a character when the game ended.
  • Reduced instances where the player saw their opponent's weapons floating in the air.
  • Fixed an issue where throwables could pass through the character.
  • Fixed an issue where under certain conditions the voice chat UI would still be displayed when using the specter killer function.
  • Fixed an issue where the reticle of a scope attached to a submachine gun could not be changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the stun effect of the stun grenade was weaker than before.
  • Fixed an issue where the camera angle rotates up to 180 degrees up/down in FPP and TPP in Freefall.
  • Fixed an issue where the character would repeatedly stand up and lay down when climbing a hill while lying down.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to see through certain weapons when the character moved to the right while using ADS and while prone.
  • Fixed an issue where replay-related text was displayed in the Report Player UI after being killed.
  • Fixed an issue cutting off sprint when moving at a certain angle with the Left Stick.
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