TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT: Knight / Imperial composition How to play the Knight / Imperial composition? The writing explains everything: tips, composition, items, start of the game and other options!

Since the Knights revamp in patch 9.15, they have become very effective in protecting a main carry. It is therefore quite natural that Draven came to join this composition, benefiting as a bonus from the Imperial synergy with Darius, making this team one of the most efficient and versatile.

Read also: The Tier list of compositions

The composition


TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial
Darius (1) Mordekaiser (1) Poppy (3) Sejuani (4) Trotting (4) Katarina (3) Swain (5) Kindred (4)
TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial Knight (4)

All allies block 35 damage when hit.

TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial Imperial (4) 

Double damage for all Imperials. 

TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial Ghost (2)

At the start of the fight, curses a random champion whose HP increases to 100.

This composition is what one might call a " Protect the Draven », which is based on 4 tanks that can resist for a long time and control the opponents, Draven to deal the vast majority of damage, and the rest Imperials in support. 

The bonus of 4 knights makes the whole team very tanky, and it's possible to pivot to a lot of different options if you can't find your Imperials.

Preferred items

TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial
TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial
Ultra-fast cannon Thirst for blood Ouragan de Runaan Knight's Vow

Since the composition revolves around Draven, it is his objects that take precedence. the Ultra-fast cannon is the most important of all, since it allows him to hit all his targets no matter where they are, but also not having to move between two attacks which can make him miss receiving his axes and therefore lose of the DPS.

To keep him alive, Thirst for blood is also paramount, with lifesteal allowing him to survive a large majority of damage as long as he doesn't die in one hit. Lifesteal and 75% of its damage can be applied to additional targets with theRunnan's Hurricane, which makes this object excellent.

However, he will sometimes need a defensive item in third rather than Runaan's Hurricane. In this case, different options are possible: TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial Dragon's Claw against magic damage,  TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial ghost dancer against physical damage, or TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial Guardian angel ou TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial Gripper trap against the Assassins.

→ If you manage to get a Knight's Vow, it can be interesting to get the bonus of 6 knights. Otherwise, objects like the TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial morellonomicon on the fact Swain, or the TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial Darkin and TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial frozen heart on the fact Katarina are recommendable.

Start of the game and progress

The composition is formed in a very simple way: it suffices to obtain the knights. It's easy to get the 4 less expensive ones (Garen, Darius, Mordekaiser et poppy), and to go on any DPS thereafter the time to find Draven and the last two knights. Usually, Lucian will do fine.

The most important thing in the mid-game is to find Draven, so it's a good idea to save up to get to level 6 or 7 quickly to increase your chances of finding it before other players, as well as Sejuani ideally who will replace Thread.

For the rest, the most difficult will be to find Swain to leave on 4 Imperials. It is therefore recommended to pass level 8 quickly to maximize your chances of finding it. You will usually find at least one Katarina in passing.

Kindred is not required, but is a good option at level 8 for the bonus Ghost with Mordekaiser, and also for the survivability bonus it can provide to Draven.

Positioning and other options

TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial

With this position, Draven should never have to move from the middle, and you avoid being fooled by the Hextechs or area damage. Furthermore, the Assassins should always jump onto your units from the side (Darius, Mordekaiser et Swain), leaving Draven safe.

The advantage of this composition, besides the large top 1 ability when completed, is that it is possible to pivot to lots of different yet powerful options. For example, if you can't find Swain, you can choose to go to 6 Knights + Draven for example.

Another possibility is to add two Master of Blades to the combination of the 4 knights and Draven. The units of choice will then be Aatrox et Yasuo, with Shen which is also very effective in saving time.

Finally, there are also situations where you will not be able to find your Draven level 2. In this case, you will need to find another carry that can use the same kind of objects. Jinx can do the trick, and Lucian also to a lesser extent. 

If you stay on Lucian carry, it may be interesting to consider a composition 6 nobles at the end of the game. 

TFT: Compo Chevalier / Imperial

All info about Teamfight Tactics (TFT)

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