TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics How to play the Dark Pulsar / Sniper composition? The writing explains everything: tips, composition, items, progress and positioning!

The composition Dark Pulsars from Teamfight Tactics is very powerful in addition to being particularly versatile, since it can use several different champions in carries depending on the components you find.

  • Read also | Our tier list of compositions.

The composition Pulsar Shadow / Sniper

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

This composition press shadow is back, and more versatile than ever. The version 4 Dark Pulsars is the most common, usually using shaco et Mordekaiser in main carries, while Jhin is the secondary carry. This composition will be rather powerful mid game, which will allow him to save quietly until the end of the game to add legendary units very powerful.

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

There is, however, a very popular alternative new version that uses 4 Protectors in frontline, and more Jhin in main carry. shaco can still be used, however.

When to Play This Comp and Victory Conditions

This composition is one of the easiest to force because it uses both magic power and physical damage items. However, we recommend that you play it if:

  • You are not no more than 2 players maximum trying to play it, or you are three but you have the most VP.
  • You have found a Jhin or multiple Shaco early in the game to allow you to bring yourself up to level 8 without having to roll too much.


If you are aiming for top 1 in a game, you will usually need to meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Jin level 3, he will be able to one shot all units if you manage to unlock him, but this will be rather rare unless you have some Helping Hands from Neeko.
  • shaco et Mordekaiser levels 3, if they have good items they can easily take you to a top 1.
  • Xerath niveau 2 with ideal objects, and generally good items for Jhin and D'other level 2 legendaries.

Preferred items

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
  TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
Guardian angel
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
Ultra-fast cannon
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
hand of justice
  TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics  

shaco will generally be your main carry, becoming very powerful at the end of the fight thanks to TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel which generally allows him to be the last champion alive and therefore to fully benefit from Dark Pulsar. He greatly enjoyed the TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Ultra-fast cannon to have more range and ignore enemy dodges. Finally, as a third object he will want the TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics hand of justice for additional damage or healing, the TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Thirst for blood also being a good compromise.



Le TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics frozen heart can also be interesting, but obviously not if you already have a super-fast Canon. Shaco doesn't necessarily need a third item, but he can use a second offensive tool like TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Last breath in the face of a lot of armor, TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Infinity blade, TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Doom Blade or to TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Lance de Shojin.

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
  TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
hand of justice
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
Pistolame hextech
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
Ion Spark
  TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics  

If you have the chance, try giving items to Mordekaiser, this one can carry you in the middle of the game if it is level 2, and even more if you can have it level 3. With TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics hand of justice et / ou TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Pistolame hextech, he regenerates a lot with the area damage of his ultimate, especially if he has TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Ion Spark to reduce the opponent's magic resistance.


Often Mordekaiser will only want two defensive items and a third defensive item to choose from:  TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Will of the Titan, TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel, TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Warmog ArmorTFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics dragon claw, TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics bramble armor, TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics frozen heart... TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics morellonomicon is also to be considered if you need anti-care.

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
  TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
Infinity blade
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
Last breath
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
giant slayer
  TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics  

Jhin will usually be your secondary carry for killing enemy tanks, and it especially works with the combination of a TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Infinity blade and TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Last breath (against the Initiators) where the TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics giant slayer (against the Wick or Brawlers). Jhin will also want a defensive objectas an TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Gripper trap ou TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel on your mind. It is even possible to give him two defensive items and only one offensive if you face many Infiltrators ou Wizards.


For damage, Jhin can also use other items like TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Doom Blade, especially when paired with a TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Ouragan de Runaan.

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
  TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
Guinsoo's Raging Blade
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
Rabadon's Headdress
  TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics  

Xerath is one of the few Wizards to benefit from attack speed, meteors from his ultimate replacing his basic attacks. The TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Guinsoo's Raging Blade is therefore an excellent object on him. the TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Mercury will allow him to avoid being controlled to unload his damage without difficulty, while the TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Rabadon's Headdress (where the TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Precious Gauntlet) will boost its damage.


In the absence of a Mercury, he can also use a TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Gripper trap, especially against champions like irelia ou syndra for example. The Rabadon's Headdress can also be replaced by a TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics morellonomicon or a TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics blue buff so that his ultimate casts earlier.

Spatula and other objects

If you find a TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Spatula, you will have several options. The first and most obvious is to change your Ashe en Press Shadow with the TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Heart of the Dark Pulsar (TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics) and add a sixth at level 9. However, a TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics celestial orb (TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics) will also be useful, especially if you pass 9 level to add a fourth celestial being (Rakan for example). Finally, a last option is to change shaco en TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Protective (TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics) if you play with Jarvan IV.

The latestAshe is quite powerful since the 10.14 buff, so that a TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Lance de Shojin on it is rather interesting. This object can also go on Karma or Lulu.

Course of the game

This composition will generally be played with a “standard” economy, quickly fetching the 7 level to roll and find Jhin, then pass 8 level a bit later. However, you will need to be flexible in the middle of the game, because you will rarely be able to rely on your Dark Pulsars to carry you before they are 4. It is also possible to play in « rush 8 » trying to pass level 8 as soon as possible to play on Xerath.

  • Read also | Our guide to the "Fast 8" strategy.

Early game (levels 3/4/5)

Generally, unless you already have tier 2 champions, you will want to pass 4 level naturally and as soon as possible use a pair ofInitiators (Leona + poppy ou Mordekaiser). A very interesting option will then be to play with Space Pirates at the start of the game, quickly using the duo of Graves ( Darius) + Jayce. Another possibility is to go on Chronos with Twisted fate, Shen ou Blitzcrank + Caitlyn, the latter then serving as a transition unit to carry the objects of Jhin.

The best way to get a good midgame with this comp is to find 4 Initiators early in the game. In this scenario, Jayce may carry items of Xerath (especially the Rabadon's Headdress and Mercury) and serve as an excellent transition carry, and you'll usually add another Pirate spatial who may temporarily hold the objects of Jhin. This will allow you to build yourself an additional economy to quickly increase to 50 gold.

Your early and mid game will need to be flexible, your goal being to be strong enough while starting to collect your units Dark Pulsars which will come in later in the game but will be rather weak when you don't have all 4 yet. Other combinations like cyborgs ou Rebelle are therefore to be considered, depending on the rolls you have.

Midgame (levels 6/7)

If all goes as planned, you should pass level 6 in round 3-4 (even sometimes 3-2 if you were in winning streak and that you wish to continue it). You should definitely have your 4 Initiators at this point, and try to enter additional synergies to stay strong: Ashe is very interesting if you play Caitlyn. Logically, Jayce should still have your magic damage items and carry you around with them for a while, but Ashe can also equip them for the sequel, also using the Guinsoo's Raging Blade de Xerath and Lance de Shojin. Then remember to have one on your bench to sell it when you have it. 

If you see passing Pilots of Mecha, consider buying them. Even if you don't have the specific components to play shaco carry, you can use the Super Mecha in the middle game to make a winning streak and play Jhin carry later.

With a good economy, you can spend level 7 and 4-1 and roll a little. Your objective here is to find Jhin, 2 level if possible. You can then sell the unit that was carrying its items to give it to it, and add your other Dark Pulsars. At this point, you will usually be able to have your 4 Dark Pulsars (With shaco) + Ashe, Wukong and a dsecond mystic which should allow you to start saving for the sequel again by being quite strong, especially if you got Jhin level 2 quickly.

Avoid rolling below 30 gold at all costs (or even 20 if you were really weak) because you will need to pass 8 level afterwards. Start saving again once your composition has stabilized. As said above, once you have removed your 4 Initiators, your items for Xerath should go to Ashe time to find it.

Endgame (level 8+)

Normally you should pass level 8 in round 5-1 (or 4-3 if you didn't need to roll at level 7), and also roll at this point in order to find Lulu, And especially Xerath. From level 1, it will be able to inflict a lot of damage with the right objects. To note that Lulu is not as priority, if you can't find it, Soraka ou Rakan will do temporarily (for Mystique ou celestial being). 

If you still have enough HP or are strong enough, you can continue to stay above 50 gold and go for the 9 level quickly. This way you will maximize your chances of finding Xerath, et Lulu levels 2, and you can add an additional frontline unit. Generally, you'll just want to add a strong champion individually, like Janna ou Thresh. If you have a Spatula, you can try to play 4 Celestial Beings with Rakan, or 6 Dark Pulsars by adding shaco ou Jarvan.

Another interesting option if you are strong: you can slow roll above 40 or 50 gold to increase your chances of unlocking Xerath niveau 2. This choice is also excellent if you are the only one playing Jhin and therefore you have the opportunity to try to have it 3 level, especially with a helping hand or two from Neeko. If you're too weak and can't wait, look to roll more (potentially to 0) to find level 2 Xerath and stabilize.

At the level of champions to unlock 3 level, and if nobody plays Infiltrator, you can try to have shaco level 3 and give him items. Finally, as said above, Jhin will be the most difficult to obtain but also the strongest: it will almost guarantee you victory if you manage to get it.

Different possible transitions

It should be noted that Jarvan IV et Mordekaiser are interchangeable in frontline, the former having more utility with its attack speed boost, while the latter will be a bit more tanky. If you play Jarvan, try replacing Wukong by Urgot at the end of the game.

This composition is one of the most versatile in the game: there are dozens of possible combinations using 4 Dark Pulsars, depending on the units you have access to. Here are some examples :

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

A very popular version is one that uses the Super Mecha in frontline. In this composition, you will generally want to play shaco in main carry so that he goes to assassinate the backline while it takes time to kill your Mecha. This one should also be equipped with defensive items (Mercury, Will of the Titan, bramble armor...).

  • Read also | Our guide to the Protector/Sniper composition.
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

If you face a lot of physical damage, you can play a version 4 Initiators, which allows you to have a very tanky frontline. It also offers good zone controls with Nautilus et Wukong.

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
Jarvan IV
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
Jayce (TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics)
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

If you get your hands on a TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Spatula, you can change Jayce en Press Shadow and try to pass level 3. In this case, it can become your main carry with defensive or magic power items, such as the TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Pistolame Hextech ou TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Ion Spark for example. It is also possible to give the TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics Heart of the Dark Pulsar à Ashe and play other frontline units instead.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics

 Of course, pay attention to Blitzcranks and Infiltrators in your positioning, to prevent one of your carries from being caught or targeted first. Yes Mordekaiser is your main tank, make sure opponents can surround him so he gets the most out of his ultimate.

If you play Jarvan IV, try to pack your units so that they take maximum advantage of its attack speed bonus. If you play shaco carry, do not forget to watch your opponents in order to position it so that it attacks in priority the opposing carries. It is generally more interesting to position it on an edge with Fizz so that they target a carry at the same time, rather than separating them.

Last but not least, Lulu targets the units in front of her with her ultimate, so try to position her in front of the most dangerous enemy champions (tanks who have an area control to transform before they launch it, carries in melee or at distance...).

TFT: Compo Dark Pulsar and Sniper on Teamfight Tactics
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