TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics

Our articles on TFT Tactical Combat: Rebel, Demolisher and Atomizer composition on Teamfight Tactics How to play the Rebel / Demolisher / Atomizer composition? The writing explains everything: tips, composition, items, progress and positioning!

The composition Rebel / Demolisher / Atomizer Teamfight Tactics gets a facelift in 10.12, and relies on using multiple very strong legendary units with the Rebel 6 base to win late game matches.

  • Read also | Our tier list of compositions.

The composition Rebel / Demolisher / Atomizer

TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics

The two main carries of this composition are Gangplank, who inflicts a lot of area damage with his ultimate at level 2, but also Aurelion Sol which becomes very powerful surrounded by 5 others Rebels and with some objects. As a result, this composition will work with a strategy of " fast level 8 which consists of getting to level 8 as quickly as possible.

When to Play This Comp and Victory Conditions

After the nerfs, this comp is no longer as strong as in 10.6 and is only recommended under very special conditions:

  • You are the only one playing it in your lobby, allowing you to get your hands on Gangplank et Aurelion Sol without too much difficulty.
  • You have Rebels early in the game and they allow you to make a winning streak : you can then save quietly until 8 level without losing too much HP.


Indeed, this composition will often be a top 8 or a top 1 depending on whether you find your victory conditions. These are usually:

  • The perfect composition with Aurelion Sol and Gangplank levels 2 and perfect objects (even a Rebel Medal for GP).
  • Le 9 level to add an additional legendary unit (Lulu, Echo, Janna, Thresh...).

Preferred items

TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
  TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
Infinity blade
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
Last breath
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
Ultra-fast cannon
  TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics  

The objects of Jinx will often be the most important since they will allow you to more easily succeed in your mid-game transition. This one benefits from the same objects as in a composition Atomizer, while remaining flexible: the combination of TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Infinity blade et TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Last breath is very powerful for killing the opponent's frontline, but other offensive items will also do the trick, such as the TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics red buff, the TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics giant slayer or the duet of TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Ouragan de Runaan et TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Doom Blade.


As a third object, it may be interesting to have a defensive object: TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Ultra-fast cannon is defensive despite his stats since he prevents Jinx to have to move forward to hit the opposing targets, while TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Gripper trap will be very strong against different opposing carries (Viktor, irelia...). Finally, TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel also works, especially against Infiltrators.

TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
  TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
Guardian angel
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
Rabadon's Headdress
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
Ion Spark
  TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics  

Gangplank is the main carry of the composition, he especially needs TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics l'Guardian angel which will allow him to guarantee that he launches his ultimate without dying first. He is absolutely primordial on it, while his other objects are much freer. TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Rabadon's Headdress TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Precious Gauntlet) will give him a big damage boost on his ultimate. TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Ion Spark is also useful for reducing the magic resistance of nearby opponents.


Other, Gangplank can either use defensive items (TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics mercury, TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics bramble armor, TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Will of the Titan, TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics dragon claw, TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Gripper trap, TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Warmog Armor), Where TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics blue buff so that it lasts faster).

TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
Aurelion Sol
  TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
  TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
Echo of Luden
  TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics   TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics  

Si Gangplank needs TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics l'Guardian angelAurelion Sol will he need the TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics morellonomicon which is the best item on it. Anti-healing and burn damage are very powerful, and Aurelion Sol will usually be able to rely on the massive shield of Rebels to survive. He also uses other power items, like TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Echo of Luden for example.


Last but not least,  TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Rabadon's Headdress ou TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Precious Gauntlet work well in third. A defensive object like TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics bramble armor ou TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics dragon claw can also work. Finally, the TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Pistolame Hextech is also interesting so that it stays alive for a long time with the care.

Spatula and other objects

If you pick up a TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Spatula, it will be ideal for making a TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Rebel Medal (TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics) On Gangplank. This will then allow you to enter an additional synergy, which will often be a Master of Blades (Riven, irelia...). It is also possible to change Jinx en Master of Blades (TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics).

Other champions generally don't need items, but can use them for some. You can always make “go-anywhere” objectsas an TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Zephyr, TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Shroud of Calming or even TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Redemption and they will always find a use.

Course of the game

This composition is of type “ fast level 8 ”, which corresponds to a strategy where your objective should be tosave as much as possible without having to roll in order to pass level 8 as soon as possible. As a result, you'll need to rely on transition units and your understanding of the game to stay as strong as possible at all times based on the champions that are offered to you naturally. Normally you should aim for the 30 to 40 gold at the time of Krugs, and then stay above 50 gold. If you're on a win-loss streak, try to stay there as long as possible to solidify your economy.

  • Read also | Our complete guide to the "Fast 8" strategy.

Early game (levels 3/4/5)

The start of the game can generally consist of two different combinations: The first is based on the cyborgs (Leona, Fiora, Lucian) with Graves ou poppy au 4 level, which will be very powerful until mid-game (especially with Lucian level 2). The other possibility is usually to play a composition Brawler / Atomizer, transitioning later. 

You will try to give components to your cyborgs so that they benefit from the additional stats. In the case of atomizers, Kog'Maw ou Lucian will be excellent transitional units to carry the objects of Jinx, while one of your Brawlers can wear those of Gangplank (usually Vi ou Gnar).

Midgame (levels 6/7)

Au 6 level, you should try to have either 2 Atomizers and 4 Brawlers, or a combination of cyborgs and Chrononauts for example. In the second scenario, you can try to equip your items with Gangplank on the fact irelia for example if you get your hands on it, trying to get 3 Master of Blades with Shen. If you have the opportunity to play 6 Cyborgs, Go for it ! This will give you a great mid-game to save up quietly.

Otherwise, wait for 7 level (At round 4-1) to have a better chance of finding your latest Cyborgs. Ideally, you should be in an acceptable situation in terms of PV in stage 3, but be prepared to tank a few hits at the start of the stage 4 when people will roll and should be stronger than you. 

Endgame (level 8+)

If all goes as planned, you can go level 8 in round 4-3. At this point, assess the situation before making your decision: if other players are playing Rebelle and are also level 8, you should roll all your gold quickly in order to find Gangplank et Aurelion Sol before them. This also applies if you are low on HP and need to stabilize. If you still have a lot of HP and you're the only one at level 8, you can afford tosave to go directly to the 9 level.

Since your objective is to unlock your legendary units at level 2, rolling the 20 or 30 gold you have left after reaching level 8 may not be enough, which is why this decision is only recommended when you have no better option. If your game is already going very well, you can take more of your time or even go get the 9 level in 5-1 or 5-3 to increase your chances of finding Gangplank et Aurelion Sol level 2.

If you pass 9 level, you can add a unit of your choice. Thresh will be interesting, in addition to offering Chrononaute. Overall, any tier 2 legendary unit will be welcome: Lulu, Janna, Urgot, Echo...

Different possible transitions

This composition requires Gangplank et Aurelion Sol to work, that's why there are alternatives in case you can't find them, although it will then be much more difficult to make top 1. Note that the choice of the other 5 Rebels and rather free, especially between Jinx, Master Yi et Yasuo.

TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics

A big advantage if you used cyborgs as mid-game transition units is that you will be able to rotate on a comp 6 Cyborgs if you can't find Gangplank ou Aurelion SolMore Echo in place. This can equip the morellonomicon, wheras'irelia will go great with a Guardian angel and Rabadon's Headdress for example. In this scenario, try to spread out your items for a bit all Cyborgs to get the most synergy benefit.

  • See our guide to the Cyborg / Blademaster / Chrononaut composition.
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics

If you find Jinx and Rebels but you don't get your hands on Gangplank ou Aurelion Sol, consider going on a composition 4 Brawlers + 2 Atomizers in place. This one will be very powerful if you are not too challenged on it, and will often allow you at least top 4.


  • See our guide to the Atomizer / Brawler / Rebel composition.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics

The major weakness of the composition Rebelle is that she is not at all flexible in her positioning. Indeed, you will always want to regroup your units so that they benefit as much as possible from their origin, with Jinx at the bottom and ziggs at the ends (in the case of a grapple Blitzcrank). It will be important to watch your opponents, especially if they have Zephyr (For Gangplank in particular) or TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Calming Shrouds, which are particularly effective against your positioning.

This positioning is especially common if you have a TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics Ultra-fast cannon on the fact Jinx, allowing him to stay in far from danger. If not, you can move it forward one notch and surround it with the other 5 Rebels.

You will generally want to position your Gangplank in the front line to ensure that he uses his ultimate as soon as possible. Warning: he casts his spell behind the target he is attacking, so avoid putting him in a situation where he is attacking a unit that is at one end of the board, which could push him to cast an ultimate that would only hit a few champions .

You will always be at a disadvantage late in the game when it comes to repositioning your units as best as possible to counter the opponent, since you will have to move several of them at once. One trick you can use though is between each round of move 3 of your Rebels to one edge of the board and the other 3 to the other side. Thus, your opponent will not know which side you are going to play when he looks at your board. You can then move 3 at the last moment to one side or the other, which is faster than moving all 6 at once.

TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
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TFT: Rebel Compo, Demolisher and Atomizer on Teamfight Tactics
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