TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

Our articles on TFT Tactical Combat: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics How to play the composition Infiltrator / Mecha Pilot / Valkyrie? The writing explains everything: tips, composition, items, progress and positioning!

The composition Infiltrator / Mecha Pilot / Valkyrie from Teamfight Tactics is one of the strongest of this beginning of Set 3, able to decimate the opposing backline in a few moments and use this momentum to follow up on other opponents.

  • Read also | Our tier list of compositions.

The Mecha/Valkyrie Infiltrator/Pilot comp

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Infiltrator (4)

Innate: At the start of the fight, the Infiltrators jump to the back of the opposing territory.

Infiltrators gain +75% attack speed for the first 6 seconds of combat, and after a kill.

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Mecha Pilot (3)

Three random Mecha Pilots merge into a Super-Mecha at the start of the round.

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Demolisher (2)

When an opponent takes damage from a Demolisher spell, they are stunned for 1,5 seconds.

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Valkyrie (2)

Valkyries spells and basic attacks always critically hit opponents who are under 40% HP.

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Sorcerer (2)

All allies gain +20% magic power.

This composition is mainly based on shaco et Kai'Sa in carrys, with the super lock which acts in frontline. She will usually use a technique of " slow roll which consists of staying above 50 gold and rolling each round to find a lot of level 3 champions, even if it means falling behind on XP. It will generally be more important to have shaco, Kai'Sa, Annie et Rumble level 3 rather than going to level 8.

When to Play This Comp and Victory Conditions

Since this composition depends on specific objects and level 3 champions, it is recommended to respect these conditions to play it:

  • You have useful components to make key objects (Mercury, bramble armor...) after the PVE round in 2-7, or even a Spatula for Demolisher's Charge.
  • You are not no more than two players in the lobby to play this composition. Ideally you want to be the only one.


If too many of you contest your champions, you won't be able to reach your victory condition:

  • To have shaco, Kai'Sa, Rumble et Annie our levels 3. If you can also have Fizz, you will be even more powerful.
  • To have some ideal objects (especially the Demolisher's Charge on the fact Kai'Sa, and 3 items on your Mecha).

Preferred items

During the carousel, if you are wondering which of your units you should take a component for, you should prioritize items on:

  1. Your Super Mecha
  2. Kai'Sa
  3. shaco
  TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics   TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics   TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
Fizz ou Rumble ou Annie
  TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
bramble armor
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
Will of the Titan
  TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics  

You will want tank items on your Super Mecha. Any of the three can equip these items, with Rumble often being the best choice (strongest unit at level 3). Your super lock almost always needs Mercury to avoid its worst adversary: ​​the controls, and in particular the TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Zephyr.

The other objects he can use are multiple. L'bramble armor to avoid crits and Will of the Titan to boost its damage and tankiness. He can also use other defensive items like TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Warmog ArmorTFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics dragon claw or even TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Ion Spark. Offensive objects are also possible, even encouraged: TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Infinity blade, TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Guinsoo's Raging Blade...

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
  TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
Seraph's Embrace
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
Demolisher's Charge
  TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics  

Kai'Sa will usually be your main carry, using theSeraph's Embrace to spam his ultimate in order to apply the burn of the morellonomicon to everybody. The TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Lance de Shojin can also replace Seraph's Embrace, especially if it has other attack speed items.


The best possible choice as a third object is the Demolisher's Charge to allow him to stun all his opponents. Otherwise, she can equip many other offensive items: TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Guinsoo's Raging Blade, TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Precious Gauntlet, TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Rabadon's HeaddressTFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics hand of justice or even TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Echo of Luden for example.

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
  TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
Infinity blade
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
Guardian angel
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
Thirst for blood
  TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics  

shaco will act as a secondary carry, inflicting massive physical damage with the critical hit of his ultimate. As a result, it makes very good use of the Infinity blade to boost his fate, and the Thirst for blood to stay alive, regenerating hugely when he casts his crit. A defensive object is also very interesting: Guardian angel is the best, but TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics dragon claw is also interesting. 


He can also use other offensive items, including a TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Last breath if you face a lot of armor, or a TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Ultra-fast cannon if you have several TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Curved arches. Note that in the version Protective Thirst for blood is much less necessary since it takes care ofcelestial being.

Spatula and other objects

Kai'Sa will be your best user of TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Spatula, which can make a TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Demolisher's Charge (TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics) so that she stuns all opponents whenever she uses her ultimate. Another possibility is to add Echo level 8 and put TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Infiltrator's Claw (TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics) On Kayle to get 6 Infiltrators.

Finally, if you ever get your hands on Echo level 2 at the end of the game, putting objects on him can be good, especially TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics Thief's Gloves.

Start of the game and progress

This composition is generally based on a strategy of " slow roll » : stay at 6 level ( 7) and use your surplus gold (above 50) each round for roll, in order to try to find your level 3 units. It will be much less important to pass level 8 in this situation.

  • Read also | Our guide to the slow roll strategy.

Early game (levels 3/4/5)

In the early levels, you'll usually want to use a combination of Protectors (in priority Xin Zhao et Rakan which also give celestial being). It will be easy to use also 2 Infiltrators bonus (Kha'Zix et Kai'Sa) To 4 level to have a start of composition that works and that you won't even have to sell. If you don't play Protectors, use other tank pairs: Initiators (Leona / Poppy / Mordekaiser) or brawler (Malphite / Blitzcrank).

Le 5 level isn't very relevant, you just want to add another unit that makes you even more powerful. If you have damage items for shaco, consider putting them on a transition unit until you find it, possibly Kha'Zix if you have another on hand to sell when the time comes. One of your tanks will carry your items of Super Mecha

Midgame (levels 6/7)

It is usually at 6 level (often in round 3-6, or even earlier if you're on a winning streak) that your composition will make sense. In this situation, you should already have 2 or even 3 Infiltrators and started harvesting Mecha Pilots (Annie et Rumble) waiting for Fizz. You will then be able to start your slowroll: accumulate 50 gold et use the interest each turn to roll a few times and buy the units you want to level up to 3. You should quickly find Fizz to switch to 4 Infiltrators + 3 Mecha Pilots and be on a winning streak.

You will generally lose rounds while getting your first upgrades (especially level 3 champions). However, do not buy XP and try not to go below 50, unless you are only missing a few units, in which case you can roll to find the last ones and then go up to the 7 level. The units you are looking for are (in order of priority): shaco, Kai'Sa, Rumble et Annie

When you're about to pass 7 level naturally (without buying any XP), or if you're really too low/low in HP, you can roll all the gold you have left if you're still missing some units. At this level, Kayle will usually be the best unit for the bonus Valkyrie.

Endgame (level 8+)

Once you have all your units, you can consider rebuilding your economy in order to pass 8 level. This will allow you to add Gangplank for example for Demolitionist, Or Echo to replace Kha'Zix which is particularly weak at this stage. This decision is however not recommended until you have found all your upgrades.

This composition will almost never pass 9 level since she relies on a lot of roll in the middle game. If however you have a Force of nature and you are looking to add a ninth unité, you can head towards a strong champion individually (Lulu level 2, Thresh) or a second Wizard (Luxury for controls).

Endgame and transitions

There are other variations to this composition, especially if you have already committed to making objects for shaco but that the Mecha Pilots or Protectors are overly disputed.

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

Au 8 level, in the absence of Kayle et Gangplank which are rare and expensive units, you can just use Karma (to boost shaco) and Luxury (which gives Wizard and control) to give Press Shadow à shaco 

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
Jarvan IV
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight TacticsKai'Sa

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

Another interesting version is one that simply steals the Mecha Pilots or Protectors to play 6 Dark Pulsars. She can always slow roll level 6 to find level 3 champions (shaco and carry, Mordekaiser, Karma...), and also use Jhin in secondary carry and Mordekaiser in main tank.

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
Jarvan IV

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
Xin Zhao

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

If you have a lot of Protectors, but you don't get your hands on a Super Mecha, you can then combine them with your Infiltrators. You will then seek Jarvan, Rakan et Xin Zhao levels 3 (in addition to Kai'Sa et shaco). This version is especially strong if you can change Kai'Sa en Protective with a Spatula, saving you from having to wait for level 8 to add neeko.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics

Unlike Assassins previous sets that jumped on the opponent furthest from them, the Infiltrators jump on the space farthest from them in a straight line. It is therefore possible to position them so that they cover the entire opposing backline. Try to scout regularly so that your shaco and your Kai'Sa attack carries first.

Pay attention to Zéphyrs opponent if your Super Mecha has no Mercury to ignore it. Otherwise, generally just put him in the front line so that he is the first target of the enemy's aggression.

Finally, if you have Karma with a synergy Press Shadow, an interesting trick is to put it in the first line (at the same level as your frontline) with Shaco just behind, so she gets targeted, casts her ultimate instantly for Shaco's attack speed then quickly dies to give the damage boost from their origin to others.

TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
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TFT: Compo Infiltrator, Mecha Pilot and Valkyrie on Teamfight Tactics
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