The composition 7 Magi of Teamfight Tactics isn't extremely flexible but has the potential to be one of the strongest in the game if you meet the right conditions.
Here is our guide to approaching the composition, with the champions to play, the chosen ones to consider, the important objects, the course of the game and finally positioning advice.
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The composition 7 Mages with Annie and Aurelion Sol
If you reach your victory conditions, the composition 7 Mages is one of the most powerful in the game. With Annie 3 stars to take huge damage with his shield, and especially the area damage ofAurelion Sun, you will be able to beat most opposing teams.
This is one of the compositions that benefits the most from a Spatula, so it is even more interesting if you have one quickly in the game to change Swain ou Zilean en Mage.
The best Chosen (Chosen) champions
Annie ou Lulu Chosen Mage: Generally if you play this composition you will have an early chosen Mage in the game, Annie and Lulu being by far the best.
Aurelion Sol ou Weighs Elected Mage : Sometimes you will have to change your Chosen when you roll at level 7. If you find Veigar or even better Aurelion Sol, they are very interesting.
Annie Chosen Wealthy (Fortune): If you have Annie elected Haves at the start of the game, you can play 3 Haves and either go on a losing streak for a big reward, or play normally and get gold and sometimes extra components.
Twisted fate ou Brand Chosen Mage : These champions are certainly not the best chosen to keep at the end of the game, but for lack of better you can always keep them if your game goes well.
When to Play Comp and Victory Conditions
When to play the comp
This composition depends on certain specific conditions to be truly effective. You don't need to meet them all, but try to meet at least one of these conditions:
- You have a chosen Mage : This condition is necessary if you want to have your 7 Mages without Spatula.
- You have a Spatula quickly : This comp becomes much more powerful if you can make a Spatula Mage.
Top 1 Conditions
You will usually need a condition to win the game.
- You have a Spatula to change Zilean or Swain into a Mage : Zilean and Swain become extremely dangerous when changed to Mages in the late game.
- 3-star Annie and several Ornn Artifacts : Another great option is if you get Ornn fast and he can give you a lot of cool artifacts.
The preferred stuff
Annie's objects are very flexible but it is very important that she has several.
Other options : |
Aurelion Sol items are also important.
Other options : |
Lulu is the perfect choice for holding your aura items.
Other options : |
What to do with a Spatula?
Mage Hat(
): The best Spatula item you can make. Zilean can cast his spell on 4 targets, while Swain will transform twice, gaining more HP and doing more damage with his spell.
Sylvester Sprout (
): This object can go on Aurelion Sol or Annie so that they benefit from additional stats.
Dragon Spirit (
): You can potentially play 6 Dragon Souls with this item, which will often go on Annie.
As usual, the Force of nature is always a great option.
Other Interesting Items
Warmog Armor and other items for Swain : In the late game, Swain can be a relevant champion to equip, especially if he is 2 star or Mage. He can use defensive or magic power items.
Utility objects : At the end of the game, you should try to take utility items if your carries already have 3 items each: Redemption,
Shroud of appeasement,
Thief's Gloves : Veigar can be a secondary carry with this item.
Who to put the Artefacts of Ornn on
This composition generally relies on Ornn at the end of the game. He creates very powerful Artifacts that take up an item slot and you can only have one per champion. Consequently, do not necessarily give 3 items to your champions if you can have Artifacts instead of the third.
Here is the list of Artifacts and who to equip them on in the composition:
anime face,
Death defiance,
Eternal Winter : Annie ou Swain.
Obsidian cleaver,
Randuin's sanctuary : Ornn.
Infinity force,
Zhonya's paradox : Aurelion Sol ou Swain.
Manazane : Aurelion Sol, Weighs ou Lulu.
Rocket-propelled fist : Brand ou Twisted fate.
Course of the game
First carousel
If you want to force this composition, you can aim for a tear of the goddess or a
Wand too big at the first carousel. One
BF Sword is also relevant because it is often highly contested.
Early game (Stage 2)
Levels 3/4 (Round 2-1 or 2-2)
The advantage of this composition is that it advances quite linearly when you have a chosen Mage. Since ideally you want Annie ou Lulu en elected, you can go up 4 level as soon as possible to increase your chances. This is even truer if you think your board is capable of making a winning streak.
At the start of the game, Twisted fate is usually the champion who will hold the items ofAurelion Sol, so remember to keep a copy on hand for when you need to replace it.
Level 5 (Round 2-5 or 2-7)
Since you want to quickly get a elected at 2 PO, it may be interesting tobuy more XP in round 2-3 for " pre-level » 5. Pre-level means that you will go to level 5 at the start of the next round, and that you will therefore have a level 5 shop, increasing your chances of having a chosen one there to 2 gold. Only consider this option if you are in a winning streak or if it doesn't cost you an economy tier.
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Otherwise, just level up normally by round 2-7.
Midgame (Stages 3 and 4)
Level 6 (Round 3-2)
You should always pass level 6 in round 3-2 : the faster you level up, the more likely you are to find your important champions (Aurelion Sol, Veigar...). If you were in winning streak, and you have a good unit to add, you can level up by 3-1 to keep winning.
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If you still don't have a chosen one, or you took one at first but it wasn't good enough, you can roll a little hoping to find a chosen Mage to stabilize (Annie, Lulu ou Weighs). If you have Annie Nanti, feel free to play a 3e Later with. However, avoid rolling below 20 gold. so you can rebuild your economy quickly.
Level 7 (Round 4-1)
You should always pass level 7 at the start of Stage 4. If you still don't have a good chosen one, sell the one you had before you rolled. At this point you should at least roll until you find a Aurelion Sol to switch to 7 Mages. Even 1 star, it will do excellent damage with the trait activated.
Once you get it, you'll want boost your economy to 50 gold. When you have 50 gold, you have three options:
- You are not contested and you already have at least 6 copies of Annie : You can roll on the field to try to find your 3-star Annie.
- You are not contested but have less than 6 copies of Annie: You can slow roll by staying level 7 and using your excess gold above 50 each round to roll.
- You are contested, you have a great economy (usually coming from a big winning streak) or you have a Spatula Mage : You can simply buy XP to level up to 8.
If you decide to slow roll or just roll for Annie, Do not forget that Lulu et 3 stars can also be interesting.
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Endgame (Stage 5+)
Level 8 (Round 5-1 or middle of Stage 5)
Once you have Annie 3 stars, run to 8 level to add a 3rd Dragon Soul. Swain is the best choice, but Brew can also work time to find it.
If you had a Mage Spatula, replace your Twisted fate by Swain or a Zilean Mage, and add another utility champion like Aatrox, Morgana ou yummi for example.
Once level 8, you should roll until you have the majority of your champions (especially Aurelion Sol) On 2 stars. Then you have two options depending on your game state:
- If you are low on HP and playing for top 4 : You should donkey roll (roll to 0 every round) to get all your 2 star champions and if possible 3 star Lulu.
- If you still have a good economy and enough HP : You can try leveling up to 9 to add an interesting utility champion.
Level 9 (Beginning of Stage 6)
As mentioned above, you can simply add a champion that offers utility: Morgana for Siphonor, Aatrox, Azir...
Another option if you have a lot of gold left is to sell your chosen Mage (if it is a Twisted fate, for an Brand or a 2 stars for example) and to play 3 egg 5 Mages by adding a chosen legendary and other 5 PO champions.
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Positioning Tips
Aurelion Sol targets the opponent furthest from him with his spell, so you should always make sure he is as opposed to the opposing carry. If you are against players ofAatrox, you can swap its position with Weighs and put Twisted fate in the far corner so he doesn't get dragged back into the fray.
Brand may be relevant to put in the front line so that he is the first champion Dragon Soul to take damage: he then receives the buff from the origin, and when he dies passes it on to the nearest champion. So try to put it on the same side as Aurelion Sol so that it benefits from the magic power bonus quickly. Put your third Dragon Soul on the opposite side so that he doesn't get it. Of course if it's a Swain with items, he can benefit from the buff.
Annie is often relevant to put alone in frontline, but if you are facing Assassins and she has a Portail de Zz'Rot, you can put it in the second line close to your Aurelion Sol for her to taunt them when they jump on him.
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