The composition Mecha Pilot / Sorcerer Teamfight Tactics can be played in many different ways, but the Viktor carry version is currently the most popular. In general, these are very powerful compositions in the middle game with the Super-Mecha, and which must take advantage of their lead to add legendary champions in the late game.
- Read also | Our tier list of compositions.
The composition Mecha Pilot / Sorcerer
If there are many ways to play the compositions Mecha Pilot, it is the one that uses Viktor in main carry which is the most popular since its buff in 10.15. At his side, besides the Super Mecha who acts as a main tank, she can play a plethora of support units, ranging from secondary carry with a second Infiltrator, Has Mystics or still others Demolishers ou Wizards.
When to Play This Comp and Victory Conditions
This composition is flexible but has certain conditions to work:
- One or two Tears of the Goddess quickly: the blue buff is almost obligatory for Viktor can work as a carry, and this component can be highly contested.
- Some Mecha Pilots quickly: if you find several Rumble et Annie at the start of the game, keep them aside and pray to find Fizz.
If you are aiming for top 1 in a game, you will usually need to meet the following criteria:
- Viktor level 3 can be difficult to unlock, if not impossible if you are challenged. If you unlock it, you should be able to top 1.
- Several level 2 legendary units (Echo, Gangplank, Lulu, Janna...) to 9 level : Your way to not get out of breath is to add these very powerful champions.
Preferred items
blue buff |
morellonomicon |
Rabadon's Headdress |
+ | + | + | ||
The almost indispensable pair of objects for this composition is the combination of the blue buff (so that he casts quickly and several times) and morellonomicon on the fact Viktor. The first is always better than the Lance de Shojin although it can substitute for lack of better, and the second is necessary since it does not have enough Wizards to one-shot the opponents.
As a third item, you can either add an offensive item if you don't face Infiltrators/Sorcerers who can worry it, with a Rabadon's Headdress or a Precious Gauntlet for example. If he needs defense, a Guardian angel or one Gripper trap will be your best options. |
Mercury |
hand of justice |
Will of the Titan |
+ | + | + | ||
Other than the two Viktor items, you'll mostly want to put defensive items on your Super Mecha, but this one can use many different options. the Mercury is probably the most important to avoid Zéphyrs and controls. With the buffs, the hand of justice is now very powerful, allowing the Mech to deal huge damage or heal itself. The Will of the Titan can also make it very dangerous if it survives long enough.
Another very interesting build is the triple dodge items with Gripper trap et Shroud of Calming, the latter still being an excellent object. Otherwise, many defensive items remain effective on the Mech: bramble armor, dragon claw, Portail de Zz'Rot, Warmog Armor or even frozen heart. Offensive items can also work ( Pistolame hextech, Infinity Blades, Thirst for blood...). |
Guardian angel |
Ion Spark |
+ | + | |||
Ideally at the end of the game Echo will be your secondary carry. He can use many items, but Guardian angel is always a good option since it allows him to guarantee that he casts his ultimate. A Ion Spark is also an excellent item, allowing it to reduce the magic resistance of the opposing backline.
Finally, it is also possible to give it Thief's Gloves so that it virtually benefits from 2-3 objects for only 2 components. |
Spatula and other objects
This composition does not make the best use of the Spatula, but you can still change one of your champions to celestial being ( + ) to have two with Lulu.
At the level of other objects, it may be interesting to give objects to Gangplank (especially if you have it level 2), especially Guardian angel ou Warmog Armor which usually guarantee him to cast his ultimate at least once. A Lance de Shojin can also be of interest Lulu or on Janna au 9 level.
Course of the game
This composition is particularly powerful in the mid-game, and can use this strength to have a solid economy and thus avoid running out of steam in the late game.
Early game (levels 3/4/5)
During the first carousel, you should always aim for the tear of the goddess if you can: blue buff is highly contested and very important for Viktor.
You should play a aggressive start with your lineup, and try to go on a winning streak if you get the chance. To do so, you can pass level 4 directly after the PVE rounds (or in round 2-2) and buy 4 XP in round 4-3 in order to pass level 5 at the start of the next round. This allows you to very quickly be able to obtain champions at 3 or even 4 gold if you're lucky.
In the early game, your best way to successfully transition will often be to play 2 Initiators + 2 Sorcerers, with 3 Star Guardians with poppy, Zoe et Ahri. The latter will work very well with the objects of Viktor, While poppy ou Jayce will be able to use the defensive objects of the Super Mecha. To 5 level, you can add another Initiator ou Annie for example.
Another option is to play 2 Brawlers + 3 Rebels with ziggs, malphite, Illaoi et Zed. In this case it is ziggs who will wear the blue buff and morellonomicon. To 5 level, add nocturne for Infiltrator et Prototype.
Midgame (levels 6/7)
If you are already quite strong and on a winning streak, you can pass 6 level en round 3-2. Otherwise, wait until you reach this level by staying above 50 gold. At this point, if you were very lucky you found a Fizz naturally to play directly Mecha Pilot, but it is unlikely. Most of the time you will want to play 4 Initiators + 2 Sorcerers in order to continue to have a solid frontline.
You should almost always pass 7 level and round 4-1. At this point, if you're still strong and were lucky enough to have your Mecha unrolled, you can continue saving. Otherwise you can roll a little up to 40-30 gold max to at least find Fizz et Viktor.
Your ideal composition at 7 level consists of your 3 Mecha Pilots, Viktor, shaco (later replaced by Echo) and the pair of Karma / Cassiopeia (later replaced by Soraka et Lulu). If you have your Super-Mecha, it should temporize for a very long time allowing your Viktor to cast his ultimate at least 2-3 times per fight, dealing a lot of damage even though he's still level 1.
Note that you shouldn't roll a lot at level 7 because you want your champions tier 4 levels 2 as well as legendary, and you'll have a much better chance of finding them on the next level.
Endgame (level 8+)
Logically you should pass 8 level en round 4-3 if you had a good economy, and still have at least 30 gold to roll. If you had to roll at level 7, you can wait for the round 4-6 because otherwise you risk running out of gold to roll.
The most logical champion to add is ziggs (if you haven't yet Gangplank) to give Demolitionist. At this point you should at least roll until you have the all your champions (except legendary) level 2.
Logically, your composition should be quite powerful in stage 4, which should allow you to solidify your team. If you can stabilize or have enough HP to survive at least 4 - 5 rounds, you may consider going for the 9 level. You will then aim for the middle of stage 5 even the round 6-1 to reach it, and this will allow you to unlock your legendary champions (Ekko, Lulu, Gangplank) at levels 2, and add Janna in the last unit for example.
Different possible transitions
One benefit of this comp is that many other champions work very well with Viktor's items, allowing him to rotate easily.
Nautilus |
Mordekaiser |
Jayce |
Cassiopeia |
Karma |
Soraka |
Lulu |
One of the easiest transitions is composing Initiator / Mystic : you usually use the Initiators in the middle game, and Cassiopeia uses exactly the same objects as Viktor (blue buff et morellonomicon). If you can't find this one or your Super Mecha, you can rotate to this composition.
Caitlyn |
Nautilus | Ashe |
Teemo |
Jhin |
Gnar |
Lulu |
In the same genre, it is also very easy to rotate to the composition. Astronaut / Sniper using Teemo with the objects of Viktor (blue buff et morellonomicon), And Gnar ou Wukong with your defensive items. As with the previous option, it is especially recommended if you are too challenged on Viktor or the Mecha, or simply if you quickly find a Teemo level 2.
ziggs |
Zed |
Annie |
shaco |
Rumble |
Echo |
a.sun |
An interesting option is to play 4 Infiltrators if you have lots of physical damage components (BF Glaive, Training Gloves, Curved Bow). In this case, you can equip your shaco en carry alternative (Thirst for blood, Ultra-fast cannon, Lance de Shojin, Infinity blade...), and use your morellonomicon on the fact Aurelion Sol at level 8. This also allows you to enter 3 Rebels with ziggs et Zed. |
Rakan |
neeko |
Fizz |
Janna |
Lulu |
Echo |
A.Sun |
Urgot |
Finally, a very powerful option at the end of the game if you were able to save as much as possible and pass level 9 with a lot of gold is the composition nicknamed "Peeba", which consists of playing 5 legendary champions. The most important objects are then Blue Shojin or Buff on the fact Janna, morellonomicon on the fact Aurelion Sol and defensive objects on the fact neeko which serves as the main tank. This comp is extremely expensive but is one of the strongest possible at level 9. |
Positioning Tips
It is often more interesting to spread your 3 Mecha Pilots in frontline: this allows you to modify the position of the Super Mecha while moving Fizz between the other two, allowing you to change your positioning at the last moment to apply your Shroud of Calming the best.
Always pay attention to Infiltrators and Blitzcrank so that your Viktor does not die instantly. You will also need to regularly change the positioning of your backline to avoid suffering a Zephyr which could cost you a lot.
If your Gangplank doesn't have defensive objects, don't put it in the front line: it risks dying before even having launched its ultimate. If, on the contrary, he has a Guardian angel or a Warmog Armor, advance it so that it casts quickly. Beware, however, of Calming Shrouds and Mana Pillagers.
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