TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) How to play the Compo Reroll Repentant with Aatrox and Kalista? The editorial staff offers you a guide on champions, items, radiant objects and positioning.

3-star Aatrox can become a nigh-unkillable tank on Teamfight Tactics 5.5 September, taking advantage of the DPS offered by Kalista or Kayle.

Here is our guide to approach the composition, with the champions to play, important objects, items radiants and positioning tips.

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The composition Reroll Repentant with Aatrox and Kalista

TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)

Despite appearances, the real carry of this composition is indeed Aatrox. Once you have it 3 stars with a strategy of slow roll niveau 5, it becomes almost unkillable with the right items, giving your DPS time to apply its damage. If you also find Kalista 3 stars, you can carry it, but otherwise you can always go for the level 8 or 9 and play Kayle in place.

In stage 2, you can either try to make a winning streak if you quickly Aatrox 2 stars et 3 Repentants (Redeemed), or on the contrary aim for the losing streak by purposely making yourself weak to maximize your economy.

Later in the game, the composition is quite flexible, being able to play 4 Knights, 2 or 3 Battleships (Ironclad), Mystics, 6 Repents, the abomination...

The stuff to favor on Aatrox and Kalista

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Aatrox (tank principal)TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)

Aatrox is your main tank on which you should prioritize your defensive objects, including one or two Will of the Titan which is arguably the best.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) + TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
+ TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) + TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)

Other options

  defensive objects
Tier S TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
Tier A
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
Tier B
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)

Kalista (carry principal)TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)

Kalista is your main dps if you have it in 3 stars. She usually prefers to play three offensive options, although she can also play a defensive object.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) + TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) + TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) + TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)

Other options

  Physical damage Defense / healing
Tier S TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)  TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
Tier A
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
Tier B
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)

Other Interesting Items

TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Solar Cape : It is always interesting to have anti-care and burn in this composition. This object can go on Leona ou rell for example.

Items for Kayle : If you can't find many copies of Kalista, you can instead play Kayle late game carry with items like TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Guinsoo's Raging Blade, TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) hand of justice, TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Guardian angel, TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Doom Blade...

TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Thief's Gloves : If you play Gwen in the late game, Thief's Gloves can make it much more powerful. Otherwise, it takes advantage of items like TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) blue buff, TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Pistolame hextech, TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Precious Gauntlet...

The best radiant items

Always try to choose radiant items according to what you need : if you don't have all the items in your main carry yet, take a light item from it. Conversely, if he already has three items, favor utility or items for a secondary carry. 

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Here are the light objects we recommend for this composition.

Aatrox TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
Kalista / Kayle TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)
Utility TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)  TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)

What to choose as an emblem (spatula object)?

TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Repentant (Redeemed) (TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) + TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)): You can easily play 6 Repentants with this Spatula, which can go on Kalista whether you play it on carry, or on champions like fiddlesticks, Thread ou Gwen at the end of the game.
TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Legionnaire : You can more easily play 4 Legionnaires with this Spatula which is relevant on Gwen for example.

Otherwise, you can use other more versatile emblems like TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Chevalier (Knight), TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Rider, TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Mystique ou TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Battleship (Ironclad) for example.

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As usual, the TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed) Force of nature is always a great option.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Reroll Aatrox and Kalista with Repentant (Redeemed)

Unless he has a Gargoyle Lithoplastron, avoid putting Aatrox in the front line: this gives him some time to load his wills of titan before being targeted, making it much less susceptible to enemy bursts.

Kalista targets the furthest opposing champion, so if you're on the same side as the carry you have a chance that she targets him with her second cast. It is essential to protect her with your other champions because you miss damage if she dies too early.

If you are against comps that target champions in the corners (Vel'Koz, Thresh, Assassin), you can play a version 6 Repents to have champions like syndra et Luxury to use as bait to protect your Kalista ou Kayle.

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