TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

Our articles on TFT Tactical Combat: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics How to play the Reroll Duelist composition with Yasuo carry? The writing explains everything to you: composition, elected, items, progress and positioning!

The Teamfight Tactics Duelist Reroll composition relies on getting Yasuo elected and a reroll strategy to get him in 3 stars.

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The Reroll Duelist comp with Yasuo carry

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight TacticsWhen in doubt, always rely on this image for the objects rather than those in the "Procedure" section.

This composition is mainly based on 3 stars when you find it in elected start of the game. With others Duelists, up to 6, he becomes a formidable mid/late game carry. To do this, you will need to execute a roll strategy in the middle of the game.

In addition to Yasuo, this composition can count on other secondary carries: Kalista, Fiora 3 stars, Read without but also Tryndamere can bring you even more success with a few items.

The best Chosen (Chosen) champions

Chosen Yasuo Duelist : 95% of the time you only want to play this composition if you find Yasuo elected, the latter can only be a Duelist and benefit from additional stats to help him carry.

Chosen Fiora Duelist : If you get a Duelist Fiora and you already have at least 4 or 5 copies of Yasuo, you can consider going on the composition and try to have both in 3 stars.

When to Play Comp and Victory Conditions

When to play the comp

You should always fulfill the following condition before considering this composition.

  • You have elected Yasuo : This is the only condition to be able to play this composition, which is relatively flexible in terms of objects. Ideally you don't want to be challenged too much, but you can easily be 2 on the lineup and still succeed.

Top 1 Conditions

You will usually need one of these conditions to win the game.

  • Yasuo 3 stars with good items : With the right items, 3-star Yasuo becomes extremely dangerous, especially with Yone in the late game.
  • Yone and Lee Sin in the late game : If you want to make top 1, you will usually need to find Yone (for Exile 2) and Lee Sin in the late game to greatly improve your board.

Preferred items

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

Yasuo can use various items, but these should be your priority.

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Infinity blade : This item perfectly synergizes Yasuo's high physical damage, and also allows his spell to inflict critical damage.
TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Will of the Titan : Yasuo lives very long, allowing him to charge this item to the max to become extremely powerful at the end of the fight. It especially synergizes with the guaranteed crits of the Infinity Edge.
TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Mercury : This item is mandatory to prevent Yasuo from being controlled, especially since he attacks in melee and is therefore vulnerable to area controls.

Other options :
Infinity Edge is the best offensive choice in the late game when Yasuo takes advantage of Exile 2's lifesteal with Yone, but he can also use other options such as TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics hand of justice, and sometimes the TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics giant slayer or TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Last breath depending on your lobby. Finally, he can also use the combination of TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Doom Blade et TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Ouragan de Runaan. a TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel may also be relevant. Finally, a TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Sword of the Divine is excellent if you have a TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Spatula.

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

If you have 3-star Fiora, you can give her aura items.

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Iron Solari Medallion : The Medallion shield is very important to give your Duelists time to gain their attack speed.

Other options :
Fiora can also hold other aura items if Yasuo already has her items (TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Zeke's Crest et TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Chalice of Power). She can also use a TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Echo of Luden which makes her very dangerous in the early/mid game.

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

Kalista can use your leftover items and act as a secondary carry.

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Ultra-fast cannon : This item allows Kalista not to have to move to attack, which significantly increases his DPS.
TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Ouragan de Runaan : Since Kalista deals a lot of damage with spears, this item allows her to almost double her damage.

Other options :
Kalista can also benefit from defensive items such as TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel ou TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Mercury.

What to do with a Spatula?

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Sword of the Divine (TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics): Change your Yasuo in Divine Being is extremely powerful if you play 4 or 6.
TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Duelist's Zeal  (TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics): This object allows you to switch to 8 Duelists or to dispense with a somewhat weak unit at the end of the game, for example by changing Kayle ou I ne in Duelliste.

Otherwise, the TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Force of nature is always a good option.

Other Interesting Items

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel et TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics blue buff : These items can make your Read without a real monster at the end of the game.
TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Redemption : Since you have a lot of melee champions, Redemption is very relevant to heal them all in the late game.
Other defensive items : If you have defensive components left, you can make tank items on JaxI ne or even Shen.

Course of the game

First carousel

If you want to force this composition, you should generally aim for a TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics BF Sword because it is often the most difficult component to have later on the carousel. From TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics Training gloves or a TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics curved arch may also be relevant.

Early game (Stage 2)

Levels 3/4 (Round 2-3)

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

With this composition, you should never buy experience at the start of the game: as soon as you have your Chosen Yasuo, your goal is to maximize your economy to reach 50 gold as soon as possible. Sell ​​all units that are not Yasuo et Fiora if it allows you to get your economy levels more quickly (10 gold in 2-1 or 2-2, 20 gold in 2-5, 30 gold in 2-6...).

Since you will be selling all the other units, you should have a rather weak board: take the opportunity to make a losing streak in the first 5 rounds. This will give you plenty of gold, as well as priority over carousels later on. It may be a good idea to weaken your board as much as possible in rounds 2-6 so as not to accidentally win, because breaking your streak just before the PVE can cost you dearly.

Midgame (Stages 3 and 4)

Logically you should reach the 50 gold around round 3-1 or 3-2. After the Krugs, during the round 3-1, you should make a choice:

  • If you already have at least 6 copies of Yasuo: You can take advantage of your last level 4 round to roll to find the last copies you need. Avoid rolling below 30 gold unless you're just one more away.
  • If you don't have many copies of Yasuo : Always keep 50 gold and start to "slow roll" your excess gold every round.

Level 5 (Round 3-2)

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

At this point, if you haven't already rolled for your Yasuo 3 stars in 3-1, you can start your slow roll strategy : you will roll all your gold above 50 gold every turn in order to buy all the Yasuo and Fiora to get them 3 stars. When you roll, don't hesitate to buy all the other 1 gold units in your shop to slightly increase your chances of having the champions you want on the next roll, and reselling them at the end.

You can also purchase copies of Jax if you see a lot, pass it 3 stars is an interesting bonus.

You should therefore not buy XP during all stage 3 and continue to slow roll for Yasuo. As soon as you have it 3 stars, start leveling up.

Level 6 (Round 4-2 at the latest)

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

If you're lucky, you might find Yasuo 3 without too much difficulty during stage 3. If you are not so lucky, we recommend that you roll until you get it in round 4-2 at the latest to unlock the last missing copies and finally start leveling up.

From this point on, your only goal is to boost your economy up to 50 gold and level up.

Endgame (Stage 5+)

Level 7 (Round 5-1)

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

Logically you should be able to pass level 7 in round 5-1, even in 4-5, while keeping your economy to fetch level 8 a bit later. At this point, your composition should start to resemble its final shape. Feel free to roll a little to find Tryndamere if you don't have it so move on to 6 Duelists.

Level 8 (Middle/end of Stage 5)

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

If all goes well, you should be winning streak since you found 3 stars, allowing you to continue leveling up. Do not hesitate to roll a little at least the time to find a I ne : bonus Exile 2 makes your Yasuo much more powerful thanks to the 80% lifesteal. Read without is interesting but not mandatory, you can keep Tryndamere time to have it.

Most of the time you don't want not too roll at level 8 because it is more interesting to pass level 9 with this composition. However, if you don't think you have time because you or your opponents are low on HP, consider rolling your level 8 gold to get legendary champions.

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

If you do not have 3 stars and you need anti-heal, you can play an alternate version of the composition with 4 Duelists et 4 Wise, using Morgana and morellonomicon. Finally, if you have a Duelist Spatula, you can play 8 Duelists.

Level 9 (Early or middle of Stage 6)

Le 9 level is important to increase your chances of finding Read without et 2 stars. It is also an opportunity to add Zilean who gives you Mystique, or Morgana for its usefulness.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics

At the end of the game, it is wise not to have your Yasuo in the front line so that he is not targeted first and can put his DPS quietly. If possible, try to put it on the side of the opposing carries so that it goes over it after killing the frontline, even if it means inverting its positioning with I ne.

Your Read without should be moved in order to kick the opposing main tank before he casts: he can thus avoid a Sejuani, for an Sept. or a Annie to become too dangerous.

If you're up against champions that deal physical damage (Olaf, xayah, Tryndamere...) and who have no Ultra-fast cannon, try to put Jax on the same side so that he blocks a lot of their damage with his dodge.

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