Teamfight Tactics' Murderer/Ninja comp isn't the easiest to force, but it can be absolutely deadly once Zed has his items.
This guide also discusses the Spirit version.
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The Murderer (Slayer) / Ninja or Spirit (Spirit) composition with Zed carry
When in doubt, always rely on this image for the objects rather than those in the "Procedure" section.
This composition is rather situational since it generally depends on Zed lives with good items, but it becomes particularly powerful once you have it. While she may have a tough midgame, as soon as you have your 4 Ninjas you should be able to roll around the lobby until you get Zed 3 stars which remains very relevant at the end of the game.
To obtain it, this composition is generally based on a strategy slow roll to get Zed 3, and then level up to 8 or 9 to add legendary champions.
There is another equally powerful version that plays 4 Spirits to hugely boost Zed's attack speed and play Samira in secondary carry.
The best Chosen (Chosen) champions
Zed Élu Meurtrier: Zed is obviously the chosen one you absolutely want with this composition, since he allows you to have 3 Murderers very easily. Since his second trait is Ninja (and it's impossible to have a Chosen Ninja), Chosen Zed will always be Murderer.
Chosen Pyke Murderer ou Kennen Chosen Sentinel : In the absence of Zed, you can always fall back on Pyke elected Murderer. Kennen Sentinel can also allow you to play 4 of them.
Teemo, yummi ou Kindred Chosen Spirit : If you have a Chosen Spirit, you can play the 4 Spirits version.
When to Play Comp and Victory Conditions
When to play the comp
Try to meet at least one of these conditions before considering this composition.
- You found Zed elected early in the game : This composition is not mandatory, but it can still give you a huge boost.
- You already have at least one or them Curved Arcs after the Krugs : Zed needs very specific items, including the Ultra-Rapid Cannon which is mandatory.
Top 1 Conditions
You will usually need one of these conditions to win the game.
- Zed 3 stars with the perfect items : At 3 stars, Zed gains a lot of additional stats, which are especially nice when he has the right items.
- Level 9 with 2-Star Legendary Champions : At the end of the game, the addition of legendary champions (Azir, Zilean, Samira, Yone...) significantly increases your chances of victory.
Preferred items
Zed needs very specific items to work in the majority of cases, and getting them should be your priority.
Other options : |
Akali usually has the role of holding the aura objects that are essential for the proper functioning of the composition. They can also go to other champions (Azir, Kennan, Samira, yummi...).
Other options : |
Samira will usually be your primary DPS in this comp. She benefits from all physical damage items.
Other options : |
What to do with a Spatula?
Youmuu Specter Blade (
): You can change before en Assassin for example so that he benefits from the additional critical chances.
This composition does not take excessive advantage of the Spatulas, but the Force of nature is always a good option.
Other Interesting Items
morellonomicon : This object is always very interesting on Kennan ou Sejuani, which have high area damage to apply it to as many targets as possible.
Gargoyle's Lithoplastron : Your Shen can always inherit the defensive components that you have left over, especially with this item because it will often tank the majority of enemy champions at the start of the fight.
Course of the game
First carousel
If you want to force this composition, you should always aim for a curved arch for Zed, Although the
BF Sword is also interesting for Zeke's Crest as this component is more contested.
Early game (Stage 2)
Levels 3/4 (Round 2-1 or 2-2)
With this composition, you should often start with a start Fanatic (cultist) that fits snugly on your head units, while giving you a way out if you ever can't find Zed lives or if you don't have the right objects, with a possibility to make a transition to 9 Fanatics.
To maximize your chances of getting Zed lives, You can level up to 4 in round 2-1 or 2-2. If you haven't had a chosen one offered in the first three rounds, you can also pre-level 4 by buying XP in round 1-3 to be level 4 at the start of round 2-1.
Buy experience to be at 4/6 or 8/10 XP (for example), and thus level up in the next round. This makes it possible to have 5 proposed champions of the higher level, and therefore to increase its chances of obtaining more expensive champions.
Level 5 (Round 2-5)
To maximize your chances of getting Zed (and again, Chosen Zed if you still don't have it), you canbuy more XP in round 2-3 for pre-level 5.
If, on the contrary, you already have it, try instead to increase your economy and reach at least 10 (or even 20) gold in rounds 2-5. If you are in losing streak, You can delay level 5 until round 2-7.
Midgame (Stages 3 and 4)
Level 6 (Round 3-2)
Au 6 level, you usually won't have a great unit to add if you play a start Fanatic. You can just add a fourth to increase the stats of Gallium.
You should almost always pass level 6 in round 3-2, unless you're on a losing streak but your HP isn't too low yet (not below 70), in which case you can optionally greed until round 3-4 to have a stronger economy.
Level 7 (Round 4-1)
When you pass 7 level au start of stage 4, you should always roll until you have at least your 4 Ninjas, even if they only have1 star. Unlocking them will give you a huge power boost, and allow you to boost your economy without worrying too much about your HP.
As soon as you have your 4 Ninjas, stop rolling and try to roll back to 50 gold. At this point, you usually have a decision: if you already have at least 5 copies of Zed, you should try to slow roll (roll your surplus gold above 50 each round) while remaining level 7 to have Zed 3 stars.
Read also
The guide of slow roll
If you are challenged on Zed, than you have not many copies, or even if during your level 7 roll you found legendary champions (Samira, Azir), you can instead just try to level up 8. Contrary to popular belief, you don't necessarily need to Zed 3 stars to make a good ranking.
Endgame (Stage 5+)
Level 8 (Mid Stage 5 or 5-1)
If you chose to slow roll for Zed 3 stars, your 8 level will generally be later, and will arrive around the middle of Stage 5, even at beginning of Stage 6. If, on the contrary, you have decided not to slow roll, you can pass level 8 in round 5-1.
You should generally roll to have at least your complete composition, with most of your 2 star champions (except legendaries). If you don't think you have the economy to go to level 9, or if you're low on HP, don't hesitate to roll all your gold to try to find as many upgrades as possible: Azir, Zilean and why not Samira 2 stars will generally be very strong.
If you had a elected Spirit, play your 4 Spirits with Samira in secondary carry. The level and roll timings are basically the same for both versions.
Level 9 (Early or middle of Stage 6)
If you have Zed 3 and are in winning streak, or if you had a lot of HP in reserve, you can simply dash to level 9 without rolling too much at level 8. This will allow you to increase your chances of having your 2 star legendary champions, but also to add others.
Positioning Tips
Positioning this composition is relatively simple, although it does require scouting regularly and being able to change at the last second. Your main objective is to always have your carries (in particular Zed) on the side of the opposing carry so that it kills him quickly.
A trick to use when deciding which side to play is as follows: with 8 players, you cannot face one of the last 4 players you have already fought. This allows you to reduce the number of opponents against whom you position yourself to only 3. With 7 players you cannot face the last 3, with 6 players the last 2 etc. If you're trying to hold off your opponents, this should give you a huge positioning advantage in the early and mid game.
Otherwise, remember that your Zed, Akali et Pyke are better when they are in the corners, because otherwise they risk going to target the frontline after killing the first unit. Also remember to maximize your use of aura items by always having Zed Next to'Akali.
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