TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT: Guide to the Glacial / Elementalist composition How to play the Glacial / Elementalist composition? The writing explains everything: tips, composition, items, start of the game and other options!

The Glacial / Elementalist composition is the best way to reach the threshold of 6 Glacial, which then makes it one of the best in the game in view of its ability to stun all opponents in a loop. If it is not easy to obtain in full, it remains a very dangerous team against those who are unable to burst.

Read also: The Tier list of compositions

The composition


Varus (2) / Ashe (3) / Lissandra (2) / Brand (4) / Anivia (5) / Sejuani (4) / Volibear (3) / Braum (2)

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Glacial (6) : Glacial auto attacks have a 45% chance to stun for 2 seconds.

Elementalist (3) : At the start of combat, summon an Elemental. This one has 2200 HP and 100 damage.

Demon (2) : Demon auto attacks have 25% chance to burn all of the opponent's mana, and deal that much in true damage.

Prowler (2) : Every 3 seconds, Rangers have 25% chance to double their Attack Speed ​​for 3 seconds.

It's easy to win rounds when opposing champions are idle. This is the whole point of this Glacial composition, which offers the best single-target controls in the game. Able to stun the opposing team in a loop, it works mainly thanks to the two Rangers Ashe et Varus which will be the main sources of damage.

It is rare to be able to reach the perfect 8 units to have the 6 Glacial, but the Frozen Mallet can help to cheat on one of them in order to get it more easily. It is particularly effective on Varus, which benefits from a good attack speed and can either stun or burn the mana of its targets.

Preferred items

TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide
TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide
Dagger of Statikk Ultra-fast cannon Herald of Zeke Frozen Mallet

→ Since this composition relies on stuns on auto attacks and Rangers can double their attack speed, items to attack even faster work wonders, especially the Herald of Zeke.

→ The Dagger of Statikk, in addition to its tremendous power in the early game, is perfect on Ashe ou Varus since when they attack very quickly, they will activate it often and thus make up for the composition's lack of area damage.

→ More Ashe is far from its target when its ultimate hits, the longer the stun lasts, which is why the Ultra-fast cannon works so well on her. It can also be accompanied by a TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide Lance de Shojin so that she uses it repeatedly.

→ As said above, it is often difficult to obtain the 6 Glacials, but the Frozen Mallet can greatly help to reach them faster.

Game start and other options

→ The beginning of the game is generally basic for this strategy: it often consists of 3 Nobles (including Vayne) and Varus for fairly effective first levels.

→ The first objective in the middle of the game is to obtain the 3 Elementalists, even if it means taking Kennan BECAUSEAnivia is quite difficult to find. They will offer a good mix of damage, control and frontline with the golem.

→ Next, it's time to add different Glacials to the composition, starting with Sejuani for his area stun. It is also possible to use Brew with Leona for the bonus guardian

→ At the end of the game, the ultimate goal is to have 6 Glaciers, but it is also possible to branch off to more Demons (MorganaSwainEvelyn) in order to have 4 Glacials and 4 Demons for example.

Strengths and weaknesses

+ The Glacial Origin is arguably the most powerful when unlocked at max rank, making this comp one of the most effective in the late game.

+ It is possible to play it in different ways, with more Demons for example, which makes it relatively flexible.

+ While she may have trouble transitioning mid-game, items like Statikk's Dagger will help her not lose a lot of health in the beginning.

- It is very difficult to reach the final phase of the composition with 6 Glacials because of Anivia and Sejuani which are rather rare.

- The composition may lack damage, especially if the 2 Rangers die quickly (against Assassins or Sorcerers for example).

TFT: Glacial/Elementalist Composition Guide

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