PUBG: Vikendi back in test

    PUBG: Vikendi back in testA few weeks after disappearing from the servers, the snowy map Vikendi will soon be available for a limited time on the test servers. When Season 6 rolls out at the end of January, players from PUBG were able to accommodate a new card, karakin, which replaced Vikendi. Nevertheless, the developers have indicated that Vikendi was not left out, and that it was set to get an overhaul, this one to make the snowy map more fun to play.

    After a little over a month during which the developers were able to modify certain points, Vikendi will be making a comeback. Like all additions, you will have to go through the test server box. Vikendi will be playable there from March 5 to 8, through Custom Games, hosted by select content creator partners of PUBG Corporation.

    We don't yet know for sure what things have changed since late January, but the PlayerIGN dataminer says that trains should be in motion, while the snow would normally be less present. The place named Dino Park should, meanwhile, be larger than before.

    There's some Chinese social media posts basically announcing:

    1. New railways and trains:
    2. Most of the snow being removed on Vikendi
    3. Expanded DinoPark and changing its name to Dinoland
    4. Added an Abby? to Kreznic
    5. Movatra & Tovar changes

    — PlayerIGN (@PlayerIgn) March 2, 2020 No doubt the developers are counting on this period to hear the opinion of the players, and to make further changes based on their feedback. We don't yet know when Vikendi will be back on the live servers, but the PUBG community manager has indicated that its return is not synonymous with the departure of another card. Players will therefore have the choice between the five cards available, namely Erangel, Casas Particulares Miramar, Havana, Sanhok, Weekends et karakin.


    — Hawkinz (@Hawkinz) March 3, 2020 As a reminder, PUBG is available on PC, via Steam, PS4 and Xbox One for the sum of 30 euros. If you want to get it while saving money, know that our partner Instant Gaming offers it on the following platforms:
    • PC
      • Standard Edition → 12,29€ instead of € 30
    • Xbox One
      • Standard Edition → 7,99€ instead of € 30
    • PlayStation 4
      • PSN Card €50 → 44,99€ instead of € 50
      • PSN Card €20 → 17,99€ instead of € 20
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